Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl 5/5
I'm aware this book has gotten a lot of bad reviews and I was told it was "Boring" and "Slow" after I had bought it, but I was undeterred. I know the types of books I like and this one matched up, young adult, fantasy, supernatural, paranormal, magic & witches all words that hugely pique my interest. Also I had also of course seen trailers for the movie - despite my best efforts to avoid them- before I started reading, and the movie looks awesome. So all things considered, after a stint on the bookcase, I delved in.
Beautiful Creatures hypnotized me, the plot was interesting, the characters were multidimensional and the writing was beautiful. But 563 pages and I'm not sure a whole lot happened, I literally think I was hypnotized. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it, the pages flew by, and I don't have much criticism. But seriously, HOW WAS THAT 563 PAGES!?! I think there may be some caster magic involved here.
As for my criticism there really isn't much to say, I do hope that there isn't a cop-out song at the end of the next book, a poem of excuses for every year would be rather annoying. And well this doesn't really count as a criticism I just had to say it, in the book Lena says that mortals choose whether to be good or bad, and that line stuck with me. People don't decide, I think its part nature and part nurture but you don't wake up and say that for the rest of your life you'll be good or bad, its a matter of circumstance in my opinion.
It really is a great book, I couldn't put it down and the characters were really intriguing, realistic and lovable. If you like young adult and fantasy then pick up a copy. I can't wait to watch the film or read the next book.
Goodreads ~ Amazon

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